When you are seeking out branded cups for your festival or other event, certain reasons to do so may seem pretty obvious – such as the fact that your branding will feature on these cups, and therefore be shown to everyone who sets their eyes upon them.

However, there are definitely other benefits that could come for you as an event organiser when you invest in branded cups. These include...

You can make money from them directly

You may initially consider branded cups at your event to be a slightly undesirable but necessary cost; the situation doesn’t have to be this way, though.

In fact, if you simply charge a deposit at the bar for the cup, you don’t even need to worry about the drinks purchaser returning the cup to you at the end of the event. Instead, you will have effectively sold the cup to them, making a profit on it – your margin maximised by the hundreds or even thousands of branded cups that you initially ordered for the event.

There’s a lot of scope to customise their look

It’s easy to presume that branded cups are basically just fairly standard-looking cups incorporating the logo of your event or even the name of your company organising the event.

However, you can actually have your branded cups in any of a huge range of styles when ordering from branded cups. Indeed, we work alongside you to ensure the final design reflects the image that you aspire to for your brand, to such an extent that the customer will wish to keep the cups as souvenirs. Don’t forget, too, that you could always use any remaining cups for subsequent marketing exercises or events.

The customer will love to use them after the event

The branded cups that we supply here at Branded Cups aren’t the kind of cheap disposable things that event attendees are liable to simply leave on the ground or abandoned on a table somewhere once the event is over. Indeed, there’s a good chance they’ll want to take the cup home with them.

After all, we all find ourselves needing some cups from time to time, whether for children’s parties, day-to-day fluid consumption, or even alternative uses like vases or pen or key holders. Whatever your cups are used for, your brand will remain present and correct, embedding itself in the minds of all who see it.

Don’t accept poor-quality cups at your next event as a compromise that ‘needs to be made’, when that simply isn’t the case! Instead, browse through the possibilities for branded cups across our online store, or get in touch with us directly about how we can assist you in fulfilling your objectives at your event. 



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